I am a creative. And a strategist. One who's had a ton of different job titles: Lead Marketing Manager, Creative Lead, Creative Specialist, Creative, Design Manager, and Strategy Director.

For five years I focused on making work that gets talked about on Twitter's Consumer Marketing team. I led the first global Twitter campaign outside of the USA. I crafted the strategy that made Twitter’s campaigns (and Tweeters) famous by turning Tweets into OOH ads. I had football press talking when I convinced The Streets to say yes to a genuine collaboration with football manager Scott Parker and persuaded football manager Steve Bruce to give his blessing to an online shop, BruceUpYourWedding.com, in an homage to football memes. I’ve even hijacked the Edinburgh Fringe Festival with scottish keyboard comedians in the award winning integrated campaign 'Visit #ScottishTwiter'.  

Following Twitter, I turned my hand to strategy as Strategy Director at the sport focused creative agency Dark Horses, where I helped brands like Amazon and Snapchat to develop campaign strategies and their brand positioning for long term success.

Right now I'm the Lead Creative at It's Nice That.

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Lead Creative, It's Nice That
Strategy Director, Dark Horses

UK Lead Creative - Consumer Marketing, Twitter
Creative Specialist, Twitter 
Design Manager, OMD International 
Creative, Inception Group 

Creative Review
The Drum
Campaign Magazine
The Sun
The Guardian
Vogue France

Cannes Lion Shortlisted (2)
British Arrows
The Drum (10)
Campaign Awards (5)
Media Week Gold
Clio Award

I am a creative. And a strategist. One who's had a ton of different job titles: Lead Marketing Manager, Creative Lead, Creative Specialist, Creative, Design Manager, and Strategy Director. For nine years I focused on making work that gets talked about on Twitter's Consumer Marketing team. I led the first global Twitter campaign outside of the USA. I crafted the strategy that made Twitter’s campaigns (and Tweeters) famous by turning Tweets into OOH ads. I had football press talking when I convinced The Streets to say yes to a genuine collaboration with football manager Scott Parker and persuaded football manager Steve Bruce to give his blessing to an online shop, BruceUpYourWedding.com, in an homage to football memes. I’ve even hijacked the Edinburgh Fringe Festival with scottish keyboard comedians in the award winning integrated campaign 'Visit #ScottishTwiter'. Following Twitter, I turned my hand to Strategy at the sport focused creative agency Dark Horses, where I help brands to develop campaign strategies and their brand positioning for long term success, before joining It's Nice That as Lead Creative.

I love pitching ideas, that a-ha moment when an idea just works, and talking like a normal human being - use marketing jargon and i'm out the door quicker than you can say "brand funnel."
