Tweets as Ads
Creative Development & Strategy
Brand: Global Strategy

I helped to devise the global strategy for Twitter's brand and out of home campaigns across the USA, Japan and EMEA.

The Strategy
If you're a heavy Twitter user you know that the platform is full to the brim with brilliant content. But it flies past us fast, and is often buried amongst news, friends, debates and everything else. It's the funny, quick-witted and wholey relatable Tweets that makes Twitter great but for people not on Twitter it's easy to miss these completely.
With marketing we can shine a light on them, and form a peak in conversation that wouldn't happen otherwise. 

By building our campaigns out from the very best Tweets we can create advocacy, and spotlight the real heroes who make our platform unique - the Tweeters - while Twitter as brand benefits from being the place where all this brilliant content lives.


Here I am, curating the very best Dating Tweets for our Valentine's campaign and London Underground / New York Subway take over;
